Monday, 23 April 2012

Chaar Bangadi

Hi Folks!

This write-up is going to be very informative, so read carefully as you will be an elightened person  today onwards.

Mind it!!

So, now that I have got your full attention right away you must be wondering about an unusual  heading for this post --- "Chaar Bangadi".

 In the Gujju Lingo it means 4 Bangles, but why am i referring  to it  here?.This is certainly not the  blog one of the blog on women's jewellery and nor am i an expert on the same  which can be easily vouched by my wife :)

Ok Guys, so my reason for such an unusual heading is because it is related with a luxury car brand.


So can anyone of you correlate 4 bangles with a luxury car logo....Can you...It's a German make .Yeah! Right..It is  "Audi" which is being referred to in here and that is what the Gujjus call  it lovingly in the city of Rajkot.

The maker of Audi, Mr.August Horch  who went a great length to find an innovative name for his brand   which means "hear" or "listen" in Latin, probably couldn't get innovative enough than  our Gujjus who had a different interpretion  of the 4 rings, and full marks to them for same :)

Man! Isn't that some nickname for a luxury car brand.
Ignorant of the fact that they have been driving the growth of  Audi  in India which is increasing  by over 100% per year in Gujarat, the  multi-millionaire and billionaire  Gujjus continue to refer their beloved car as "Chaar Bangadi" and it was only today afternoon after having a sumptuous South Indian lunch alongwith Gujarati Chaach (ButterMilk)  when i was asked by my good friends to try out the betel quid (english name of our very own Pan) at one of  the very popular Adingo (Gujarati word for Adda). As the paanwala bhai-ya was making a Meetha Pan for us and our very learned  team of colleagues (read "Car experts") were discussing about various cars that the topic turned to the new found love of Gujaratis for the luxury cars.

Social Proof

 From Audis and Bentleys to Jags and Porsche all are a making a beeline to the land of entreprenuers and Gujjus are also not giving it a second thought while buying one. Luxury Cars have become a new status symbol and Audi as i came to know have been selling like hot cakes (or better like a Cool Chaach in local context). Most of these were bought by people in Gujarat by what is referred to as the psychological phenomenon called "Social Proof". People saw others buying it hence just bought the same and it was very easy to identify and explain it to the other person by referring it to as "Chaar Bangadi" rather than an Audi.So the logo got entwined with the cultural symbol of women of Gujarat who traditionally wear a Bangle and Audi guys don't mind it at all as they are planning to launch a special edition colored rings logo on Women's day...Just kidding :),or maybe Audi can take a Q (read "cue") from this. Has the innovation bug bit me as well ? :)

Yeah and now having enlightened you a great deal
Sorry, there wasn't any money back ( or in this case time back) guarantee to my commitment of enlightening so moving on to next part :).

Indian Currency

There are some innovations which only Gujjus can come up with and one of them is  shown below. It's a five rupee note which if were to be utilized in Mumbai, Delhi or  for that matter anywhere else would not be accepted as it was torn and a very old note. I came across this neatly laminated 5 rupee note while getting a  change back from the tea stall  owner. As he was passing the note to me, for a second i stopped and  looked at  him as if he was trying to play some prank on me and i asked him in my typical North Indian Style "Abe ,Ye kya hai ?" 

5 Rupee note in Gujarat

This is when my colleague chipped in and told me that  these sort of depleted currency notes are laminated and are accepted in Gujarat by everyone. Amused by the sight of it I took the note, not for utilizing it somewhere but to show you guys that there is no other place like a Vibrant Gujarat on this earth where it is in their DNA to squeeze maximum out of everything :) but i wonder what are thoughts of the Governor of RBI on this only if he reads this :)

Well,I will be back here in Gujarat again,albeit in a different city with a different story.But as i took  a flight to Mumbai i already had in my mind what next i was going to write about in my next blog which i am quite sure will be loved by you all once again.

Till then.

Horn Ok!

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